Posted by Sami 22/02/2021
How to evaluate quality of paint where house painting is concerned?
Where house painting is concerned, one of the prime objectives is to ensure that paint remains bonded to its substrate and that it retains its essential properties for as long as possible.
Posted by Sami 12/11/2020

Painting Outside Walls and Decorating the Exterior of a House
How to paint the exterior of your house or other outside walls. Learn how to prepare the exterior walls, choose the right paint and then complete the decoration of your home.
Posted by Sami 10/08/2020

Woodwork Preparation for Painting and How to Paint Bare Wood
We get so many questions as to why a surface is peeling or has gone blotchy etc and the answer is, 99% of the time, because the surface has not been prepared properly.
Posted by Sami 02/04/2020

Learn How To Paint A Garage Walls
House garages are just one of the many things that formed and developed along with the advancement of technology. At first, garages were used as stables where horses are kept.
Posted by Sami 02/04/2020

Should I Use Satin or Eggshell Interior Paint?
whether you plan to do it yourself or hire a local house painter, you will need to make some choices about the paint sheen you want on your walls.
Do you own a residential property or you are running a business in Sydney, shops, schools, hospitals and more. C STAR...
Posted by C Star Painting & Decorating on Saturday, 23 January 2021